“…tell her to make me a cambric shirt…”

After a morning and afternoon of Spring cleaning, we ventured out to Reaves Park to the Medieval Fair. Considering all of the events on campus that are running at the same time as the Fair, the traffic was easily manageable – as was the parking. Upon entering the grounds, I recognized many of the familiar … Continue reading “…tell her to make me a cambric shirt…”

To My Son On His Birthday

Dearest Israel,

You were born three years ago on this day, in this diamond of the High Plains we still currently reside – today is your birthday and you are three years old.

Another sweet and delightful year, in which you have grown so much – in a like manner, I have come to know you so much better. With this, the passage of your third year, I have been granted further insight into the person you are becoming – that is, the person you were born to be.

Closing my eyes and opening my thoughts to the manifold moments which have passed between us over these last twelve months, I can scarcely encapsulate the vast range of emotions that well up inside of me. You, my son, are close to my heart and I love you dearly.

I am writing this warbling missive to you in the still-dark-quiet of early morning – an hour of day that seems to reflect you quite well. Quiet and docile, but ever brimming with the potentiality of tarpaulin power and energy – which, at times, cannot be so easily contained and pours out of you in some raging torrent. You are a fascinating mixture of temperament and inclination, one that continues to elude my understanding – even as you grow more complex.

Continue reading “To My Son On His Birthday”